Introducing Biolo™ a Liquid Postbiotic for Improved Gut Health
An unhealthy gut can result in digestive problems, brain fog, low energy, lack of focus, and a weakened immune system.
But, there is good news, It's not your fault!
Processed foods, pollution & toxins in our environment are the real culprits!
70% of your immune function comes from your gut.
Over 70% of people surveyed confess they live with gastrointestinal symptoms.
Poor gut health is at the root of many common diseases and disorders, including: allergies; arthritis; autoimmune diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, acne, and chronic fatigue; and even mood disorders.
If you suffer from digestive problems, brain fog, low energy, lack of focus, or a weakened immune system, it may be time to try an engineered approach to gut health.
Biolo is a revolutionary proprietary Postbiotic formula, in a liquid form, engineered to naturally support gut health and help strengthen the immune system. It absorbs quickly providing results in mere days, not weeks or months!
Leaky Gut
Joint Pain
Irritable Bowl Syndrome
Body Oder
Low Energy
Poor Sleep
Brain Fog
Biolo is not available on Amazon and is not sold in stores.
The use of probiotics alone can be expensive and take a long time to work, if at all. Clinical studies continue to show that Postbiotics are effective and efficient in naturally building a healthy gut environment. The Biolo™ postbiotic formula helps promote a beneficial gut environment in instances of leaky gut, fatigue, brain fog, bloating, digestive problems, inflammation, and MORE.
Biolo™ is a proprietary Postbiotic, a combination of fermented prebiotics + probiotics cultivated with more than 1000 live strains gathered from around, along with natural compounds that help promote a healthy gut environment, allowing it to repair itself naturally. Biolo™ is never treated with heat, chemicals, or fillers.
Most gut restorative solutions are fiber or starch-based, which means they are absorbed at about the same rate as a psyllium--over days or weeks. Biolo™ is a liquid and is quickly absorbed, improving the speed of nutrient delivery. And because it is a liquid, the Biolo™ formula survives stomach acid effectively.
Microbiome diversity is critical to maintaining a healthy gut. Biolo™ combines over 1000 different strains and provides an effective reparative and maintenance option. Biolo™ is easy to regiment, tastes like water, supports healthy digestion, detoxification, gut-brain communication, and more for ongoing gut health.
Your gut’s health is one of the most important factors in your overall wellness, and it's one of the most overlooked! Did you know the gut even communicates with your brain through nerves and hormones to affect mental functions?
More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates famously stated that “All diseases begin in the gut.”
Modern scientific research and study have proven that the father of modern medicine’s statement is, indeed, true.
70% of your immune function comes from your gut!
A majority of Americans suffer from gastrointestinal symptoms several times a month, meaning most people are experiencing the results of poor gut health every day.
Your poor gut health may be the root of many common diseases and disorders, including: allergies; arthritis; autoimmune diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, acne, and chronic fatigue; and even affects your mood.
Your digestive system is overwhelmed and this results in gut discomfort.
In a perfect world, your digestive system creates its own postbiotic environment. But most times it is blocked from doing so, because of impurities in the air, the food we eat, soil, water, and so on.
“All disease begins in the gut” - Hippocrates
Only 1 in 10 adults get enough fruits and vegetables in their diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control
Americans consume only 15 grams of fiber per day, much less than the 25-38 grams recommended
Fruits, vegetables and fibers are key to building and maintaining gut health
In addition, other gut biome exacerbating elements include: use of prescription medication, consuming highly processed and high fat foods, antibiotic use, presence of trace amounts of herbicides and pesticides in foods, and consuming excess sugar.
One ounce of Biolo™ taken daily helps promote gut health by adding prebiotic and probiotic strains, along with healthy compounds to help support a postbiotic environment in the gut.
When the gut has a healthy environment, it has the ability to naturally produce its own defense, as it was designed to do.
Biolo™ retails for $90 for a 32 oz (1 month supply) bottle.
But for a limited time, you can try Biolo™ for only $65 (plus shipping).
That's more than a 25% discount!
Rebuild your gut health by delivering the postbiotic compounds your body needs to enhance health, build immunity, restore regularity, and improve digestion.
Water, Postbiotic metabolites (resulting from the fermentation of proprietary bacteria strains) including: short chain fatty acids (SCFA), functional proteins, organic acids, amino acids, exracellur polysaccharides (ESP), cell lysates, organic acids (such as lactic acid) trace minerals, polyphenols and peptides.
What are Postbiotics?
They are carefully engineered combinations of fermented prebiotic and probiotic strains, along with natural compounds and metabolites designed to support a healthy gut environment. Metabolites, for example, are small molecules the body uses for fuel, structure, signaling, defense and interactions with other organs in the body. Examples of metabolites include amino acids, vitamins, and organic acids. Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are also produced by the good bacteria in your gut and are the main source of nutrition for intestinal cells.
Prior to fermentation, Biolo™ combines proprietary blends of Aspergillus, Bacillus,Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, BacteroidesSuis, Bifidobacterium, Leuconostoc Mesen teroides, Pediococcus, Propionibacterium, Saccharomyces, Streptococcus, Kloeckera Apiculata, Hansenula Yalbensis, and four bacteriophagesa.
We are so sure that you will love Biolo™ that if you are not 100% satisfied, we will return every cent you paid, including shipping.
It's that simple!